Texas Mineral Resources Corp.’s (TMRC's) flagship Round Top project is located in Hudspeth County, Texas, approximately 85 miles southeast of El Paso. TMRC holds 19-year renewable leases from the State of Texas on 950 acres encompassing Round Top and additional prospecting permits on adjacent areas covering an additional 9,345 acres. Currently, TMRC is focused on the exploration and development of rare earth elements, technology metals and industrial minerals at Round Top.
We believe that the Round Top project has the following competitive advantages:
The updated Texas Mineral Resources August 2019 PEA estimates 40,150 kilograms of measured, indicated and inferred Uranium oxide. Please click here for a link to the PEA.
For more information:
Detailed demand supply information on uranium supply and demand is available from the World Nuclear Association. Uranium output by country is reported at http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/uprod.html. It reports that over 60 reactors are under construction in 14 nations (http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/inf17.html).
Cyprus Minerals built a modern tunnel into the center of Round Top mountain for a bulk metallurgical sample for its 1988 definitive feasibility study to mine beryllium.
It has been maintained by the State of Texas General Land Office. It is located exactly within the “Contact Zone” between the rhyolite mountain and the underlying sediments, which is 2 to 3 meters thick and highly enriched with beryllium and uranium.