Texas Mineral Resources Corp. (TMR) employees belong to a number of professional trade and industry associations. The following are some of the organizations, displayed with permission and linked to their respective websites. (TMR is not responsible for the content within the following websites.*)
*The above hyperlinks to Associations will navigate you away from www.tmrcorp.com to third-party websites that are not operated or controlled by TMR. TMR is not responsible for the accuracy of the contents and information on these third-party websites. Unless explicitly stated otherwise above, TMR was not involved in the preparation of the websites linked above, did not review or comment on such websites, did not solicit or in any way pay for the preparation of such websites, does not have a material relationship with the persons involved in the preparation of the information on such websites, and does not hereby comment on, endorse or adopt the statements or contents of such websites. TMR is providing the above links to Associations in which one or more members of TMR management are affiliated with solely for informational purposes as they may be of interest to persons interested in TMR and its business. TMR does exercise selective discretion in determining which Associations to post in this section.